If You Ask Me...
The NavRasa Expression Chart...
Hi!!! It’s me!!!
Apparently, you have landed on my website because...
1) You were invited over OR
2) You just happened to stumble upon it
If you belong to the 2nd category, Dear Netizen, then you probably would be leaving this page very soon (if you haven’t already, i.e.) and are about to stop reading this any further (if you started reading it in the first place, i.e.), in that case, Happy Surfing!!! Please carry on!!! Alternatively, if you are so inclined, please stick around (for as long as you’d like) - be my guest!!! There you go!!! You see, now you too, belong to the first category...
If you belong to the 1st category, Dear valued guest, then no point indulging in formalities of introduction - you will soon uncover stuff about Yours Truly, all by yourself, if you just hang in there (aren’t thrillers fun???!!!). So, without further ado, allow me to present to you, my website (and leave you alone with it and on it!!!).
On that note, I wish you all the Health, Success, and Happiness in this world (and everything else that you wish for yourself) - today, tomorrow, and forever…
May God Bless You,
May All Your Dreams Come True, &
May You Soar With The Eagles!!!
Go onward & upward!!!
Love Galore,
Yours Most Sincerely,
Prreeti Tiwari